My Blog

Kindness – We Could All Use More of It

Kindness – We Could All Use More of It

Personally, I believe that kindness can change the world. As we begin to focus on a more inclusive and collaborative paradigm for humanity, we will all enjoy the ripple effect of more kindness being made manifest in our daily existence.

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The New Emancipation of Women

The New Emancipation of Women

If we lived this way, it would mean a global shift in what we prized, what we fought for, and what we dreamed of. In this new world there would be no more white, black, brown, Asian, native, young old, beautiful, ugly, whatever! There would only be a global, loving, and supportive network of authentic, immensely powerful, and fiercely determined friends.

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Who Has Your Ear – Your “Ego” or “Spirit”?

Who Has Your Ear – Your “Ego” or “Spirit”?

Higher Self seeks connection, unity and harmony in our dealings with our inner most selves and others. It reminds us of the ultimate reality that we are ONE. Whenever it urges us to do anything, the intent is ultimately “service to others”, which is really “service-to-self-through-others”.

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To Be Or Not To Be… Authentic

To Be Or Not To Be… Authentic

Authenticity is one of my top three values, which is why it is even part of my company logo. And so, while I could have avoided this traumatizing period by giving in to my fears of rejection and abandonment, I would have lost something much more valuable – faith in myself and my own path.

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Self-Love is the Linchpin…

Self-Love is the Linchpin…

Self-love covers many things. First and foremost, it is a state of self-appreciation and high regard for oneself and one’s own well-being. It also implies self-knowledge and self-awareness. As you come to realize those things that are no longer good for you, you eventually (hopefully) stop doing them.

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The Rise of the Divine Feminine

The Rise of the Divine Feminine

Phoenix on the Rise is anchored in the rising Divine Feminine energy I have spoken about in this post. I deeply believe that this energy will return to our world through each and every woman who will follow the whispering guidance of her innermost Self (although sometimes it will be more like a roar than a whisper).

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The Magic of a Gratitude Journal And Beyond!

The Magic of a Gratitude Journal And Beyond!

Other times, we may experience the magic of gratitude for very small and unexpected things – a purple finch singing its heart out in the backyard; a delicate white and pink hibiscus bloom waving in the breeze; a majestic willow tree reflected in a pond; a child’s joyous laughter…

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I’m envisioning this blog as a platform of Encouragement, Inspiration and Community for women who are becoming more aware of the actual journey they are on.

We can embrace change and growth, working with it instead of merely enduring.

Transformations are often gateways to something greater opening up in our lives, something that we need to grab on to, instead of fearing.

This is why the logo of the phoenix rising from its ashes is such a powerful symbol for me. I’ve reinvented myself and carried on many, many times and have been through incredible changes, including moving over 40 times so far!

I will share of my stories and those of other amazing people I met on my journey to help you with yours. I will also introduce you to new and sometimes esoteric ideas and explore various ideas. Stay tuned!

“How would you live your life differently if you knew that you have an eternal existence as a spirit being?”

– Ileana Rontea